Charity Minibus Lease | MinibusLeasingUK

Charity Sector Minibus Leasing

Charity Minibus

Your new lease minibus in 3 easy steps ...

At MinibusLeasingUk we’ve been supplying the best charity minibuses for lots of charities. And we’ve been doing this since 1994. Minibus leasing UK have been supplying various well known charitable organisations for many years. We also supply churches, church groups and religious centres. Legislation is extremely important in this sector. Minibus Leasing UK have the appropriate experience to advice in all these areas.


What does the Charities Commission say about a Charity Minibus?

The Charity Commission oversees the operation of charities. On the subject of operating a charity minibus the Charity Commission states:

“You might be able to drive a minibus with up to 16 passenger seats using your current car driving licence as long as there’s no payment from or on behalf of the passengers (it’s not for ‘hire or reward’).”

Click here to read more on the charity commission.

Things to consider when looking for your new charity minibus

There is a lot to think about when looking for a new charity minibus. It’s a big decision which you want to get right. At Minibus Leasing UK, we have the experience to help you through the process. Here’s some of the questions to consider.

  1. Is your charity eligible for finance? We can help you look at this. If it is, it means you first need only find funds for the initial deposit as the cost of the charity minibus is spread of the term of the lease. But you need to make sure the charity can afford those payments. Affordability is a key decision in financing a new minibus.
  2. What will the new minibus be used for?
  3. What might it be sued for?
  4. Is there special equipment which needs to be thought about?
  5. What has been your experience of using minibuses in the past?

Charity Minibus Fundraising

Fundraising for a Charity Minibus often gives a good focus for the fundraising effort. Having a clear goal for your charity fundraising effort can give focus. And it helps people see how much they have achieved and how far they still have to go. Once the funds are collected the results of the fundraising can be clearly seen for all to see, especially if your new charity minibus is sign written.

Can a charity lease a new minibus?

Yes, as long as all the organisational requirements are fulfilled. WE can guide you through the process and make sure you get a great deal.

Bespoke Charity Minibus

It’s very often the case that charities need a very precise specification for their minibus. We work with you to ensure you develop the exact spec you need. We use our experience to ask you the right questions to ensure you get the minibus for your charity. This is vital before any order is placed.

Charity Minibuses supplied by MinibusLeasingUk

Click here for some examples of charity minibuses we have supplied.

Best Buy

Mercedes-Benz VITO TOURER L2 DIESEL RWD 116 CDI Select 9-Seater 9G-Tronic

In Stock Mercedes-Benz VITO TOURER L2 DIESEL RWD 116 CDI Select 9-Seater 9G-Tronic

Contract Hire: £694.99 +VAT pcm


With Winter Pack, Aircon & Tinted rear glass

IN STOCK - in Obsidian Black

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